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Bar Loyalty Scheme & wi-fi use
The Stag Bar & Events 4 of 4

4. Bar Loyalty Scheme & wi-fi use

Bar Loyalty Scheme
The club operates a Bar Loyalty Scheme to provide club members with the benefit of cheaper bar prices while encouraging other users of the club to become club members.

The scheme entitles eligible members to a members discount (currently 18%) from the bar list price on production of their bar loyalty member card (known as a ‘green card’ within the club even though they are white!). It is essential that you carry your 'green card' so that it can be swiped to obtain this discount.

Upon payment of your annual membership fees:
• new members will be issued with a green card; or
• existing members will have their existing green card re-activated within 7 days. Please do not dispose of your current green card at the end of each season.

Members will not receive the members discount until they have paid their annual membership fees. Any existing members that have not renewed their annual membership will have their green card de-activated until their annual membership fee is paid. Please ensure you pay your annual membership fees promptly so your green card remains active.

Lost or damaged green cards will be replaced upon application to the Clubhouse Manager. Lost cards may attract a £5 administration fee.

Members are reminded that green cards are not transferable and are for their personal use only. 'Personal use' includes use by your spouse or partner but no other person than that. Any abuse of usage could lead to your green card being cancelled.

The club reserves the right to change or withdraw the use of green cards. Green cards remain the property of the club.

Wi-fi hotspot
The club provides free wi-fi hotspot to its members and guests. The Wi-Fi hotspot is provided on the basis that it's use is in accordance with the BRFC Internet Policy, which must be accepted when accessing the BRFC Wi-Fi hotspot.