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200 Club (Club Lottery)

200 Club (Club Lottery)

Join the 200 Club

Joining the 200 club gives you a chance to win a monthly cash prize while supporting the club.

The 200 club draw raises over £10,000 each year, half of which is returned to members as prizes, and half retained by the club as fundraising. It is very simple to join, costs £1 per week and is paid by standing order.

To join the 200 club complete and submit an Application Form.

Application Forms may be obtained by downloading from below, by emailing Phil Wells (email: or from the Clubhouse Bar. Completed forms should be returned to either of the contact names on the form.

Results of the draws are posted upon this website – so keep an eye out to see if you’re a winner.

200 club members please remember to advise BRFC of any change of address so we may update our records.

200 Club enquiries: